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RE: Leather restoration tips, please...

To: William West <>
Subject: RE: Leather restoration tips, please...
From: Ulix Goettsch <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 1996 19:05:49 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 25 Aug 1996, William West wrote:

> >A friend of mine is a furnature refinisher,  he swares by a product
> >called "lyxol".  He says it is an excellent cleaner and will provide
> >the moisture that the leather requires.  (I know of some car
> Lexol/lyxol (sp?) is excellent for leather.  It does promote bleeding though
> and I have, on several ocassions, walked away from my car with red stripes
> running down the back of my shirt  after using the stuff.  Be warned!

Hmmm, it seems like if I was ready to put up with this, I could just use
shoe polish...

Ulix (vinyl seats)

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