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Re: MOWOG angered, consequences

To: aramm <>
Subject: Re: MOWOG angered, consequences
From: (John McEwen)
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 17:11:23 -0500
I thought every one knew the answer to this one:

MOWOG - Many Obsolete Widgets Organized Gracefully


To the whole group...
>We need a FAQ for this kind of stuff.  I've een on this list for a
>couple of years off and on, and I must have heard this discussion 20
>times.  I'm not bothered if someone doesn't know the answer, but if
>there were a FAQ everyone had to read when they got on the list, we
>could avoid the "what does MOWOG or MG stand for" threads.
>As for what MOWOG stands for, I know the answer, but I'm not telling! ;>
>'69 B
>Paul Hunt wrote:
>> Bob De Weese wrote:
>> > Okay, dumb question time.  Who is MOWOG? (I assume it's the God of MG
>> > land, but what does the MOWO stand for.)
>> >
>> Aaaargh!
>Andy Ramm
>Fire brewed, cold filtered, double hopped, beachwood aged....

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