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72' B acting up....

Subject: 72' B acting up....
From: Brent Beermann <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 10:16:38 -0700
I've got a 72' B /w all the chrome goodies that my father and I have
restored that now looks cherry as can be with its Porsche Red shine and
new tan top/interior.  However, we keep having 2 problems with it that
seem to persist on a monthly basis and deem it inoperable until we carry

out the same tedious routine to fix it.  I realize the normal
maintenance, but this seems to be getting ridiculous, so I'd like to get

to the bottom of it.

First off, the contacts on the points keep wearing abnormally quick,
like within 300 - 400 miles.  We've replaced the entire ignition system
with all the original parts but still keep getting the same result.
Everything seems to check out fine at the local British Car shop and for

a mere $160 a pop, they test it all out and fix the problem by replacing

the vaccuum pump, points, and sometimes distributor cap.  This is
getting expensive.  Now, I'm well aware that Lucas's  ignition system
was poorly engineered, but this bad?  I've been told that I should
atleast get 3 - 4 thousand miles on a set of points, if not more.  Is it

time to just bite the bullet and throw in a new electronic ignition
system and say goodbye to the original? Suggestions?

Second, quite frequently the car will just turn off and not restart.
We've narrowed the problem down to the battery cable connections.  They
seem to abnormally corrode and gunk up around the contact points thus
shutting off the battery power to the car.  New bateries and cables have

been installed but the problem persists.  So as often as every 2 weeks I

remove the cables, clean and sand the ends down and put them back on.
And as you all know, the batteries are rather a pain in the butt to
access.  Any suggestions here?


 ゚rent ゚eermann
 Technical Support Specialist
 Unix Systems Managers, Inc.
 pager: 800.258.0000 PIN: 1159365

 "You are in a maze of twisty
  little passages, all alike."

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