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non-LBC Boston

Subject: non-LBC Boston
From: Carl French <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 23:10:08 -0400
Really great Tufts Computer Sci Senior needs a place to sleep for the
summer. He is a Quasi-abopted son of ours and indeed lived with us his
Sophmore summer. He has a TA job at Tufts (Medford campus)for the summer
but they are j#&king him around (room-wise)and he needs a place to stay.
He is a hyper responsible non-smoking/drinking self-described computer
geek. He also does fabulous in home computer tech-support (saved my butt
many a time). Any help out there would be REALLY appreciated. He is too
nice a guy to be stuck like this so I am praying to MOWOG for help.
Carl F
PS; He is also great under a car.

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