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Re: [Mgs] The dreaded "Kent Collection"

Subject: Re: [Mgs] The dreaded "Kent Collection"
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 16:31:44 -0600
At 02:50 PM 11/14/2009 -0500, Alberto Escalante ( wrote:
>Today I saw that I'd been sent the latest spam  from the Kent 
>Collection. .... not something I'd be  interested

I set a spam filter rule the first time I saw it.  No big deal.  At 
least it's an automotive related ad, not your general run of the mill 
type spam on drugs or money grabs or phishing.

>So I wrote the Kent Collection and said I wanted to be unabsubscribed,

If you're nuts enough to read to the bottom of hte message, then 
click on the "unsubscribe" link, it will connect you to their web 
site.  Then if you scrounge around enough you can find the 
unsubscribe link there, and it apparently works.

>.... If they continue to send  me emails I'll take sterner measures 
>to make them understand that they shouldn't  be sending out 
>unsolicited emails, especially after I'd taken the time to make  my 
>point quite clear.. Don't send me anymore email!

That likely won't work, because it requires paid time for someone on 
their end to "fix" it.  When they provide a valid unsubscribe link in 
the e-mail message, that is probably the end of their legal 
obligation.  I find it easier and quicker to set a filter rule to 
toss the crap in the trash the first time it comes in.

>I wish someone made  software you could buy that would allow you to 
>literally bombard groups like the  "Kent Collection" with a little 
>(or a lot!) of their own medicine in other  words..."Unsolicited email"

They do.  It's the same software that allows the spam operators to 
bombard you with unwanted messages. 


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