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Re: Rudge hubs

To: Steve Moore <>,
Subject: Re: Rudge hubs
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 97 10:48:24 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Steve:  Interesting problem. Last week I was checking my wire wheels. The
left rear has been making  the dreaded clunk whenever I change direction. I
need a couple of new wheels and wanted to see if the hubs were  bad so I
measured the play on each wheel.  Came out with about the same figures you
did  .085  inches  at the rim on three and .195  on the left rear. Switching
wheels made no difference the play remains the same.  I've got a couple of
new wheels on order and it looks like I'll be ordering  new hubs for the
rear. Did you get your new hubs  from the factory?  Mind if I ask the price?

Regarding your problem, are you hearing a clunk ?  Why were the tapers
machined on the front hubs ?

Bob Nogueira
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Monday, 07-Apr-97 08:42 AM
> From: Steve Moore              \ Internet:    (
> To:   \ Internet:    (
> Subject: Rudge hubs
> Hi all,
> I am having trouble with my wire wheels. The things keep loosening ever so
> slightly. Just enough to give about 1/8" movement at the wheel rim. To
> this the spinners have to be belted pretty hard after which they loosen
> first time the brakes are applied.
> Before anyone states the obvious the hubs ARE fitted to the correct sides
> the car.
> The tapers on the front hubs have been machined and the rear hubs are new,
so I
> guess it could be the tapers on the wheels or the spinners. Is it
reasonable to
> have the wheel centres machined? Do spinners wear out over time?
> The car (1973 4/4)is driven often and hard both in local competition and
> to and from work. Any comments would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Steve Moore
> Dr. Stephen Moore
> CSIRO Tropical Agriculture
> Molecular Animal Genetics Centre
> Level 3, Gehrmann Laboratories
> University of Queensland
> St. Lucia, 4072
> Australia
> ph  61 7 3377 0476
> fax 61 7 3377 0480

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

Bob Nogueira
64 Morgan +4

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