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[oletrucks] I bought a 57 dump truck

To: Summitenterprises@email.msn.com, oletrucks@autox.team.net,
Subject: [oletrucks] I bought a 57 dump truck
From: STMSymank@aol.com
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 01:43:20 EDT
and you didn't.  It was in the paper and I went out to look and it is a POS 
but I negotiated with him and walked out knowing my wife would kill me if I 
bought something like this.  It has six respectable tires and a two speed 
rearend.  A twin cylinder hoist ,and a real nice homemade battery box. That 
is all the good news.  The bad news is that the two speed rearend doesn't 
work and the bed wood is rotten, and the cross pieces and outside edge bed 
metal is all shot.  The windshield looks like the neighborhood kids are all 
well armed, the cab step on the drivers side is the free flow air model, and 
is not as bad as the bottom hinge.  The left front fender is crushed, and the 
doors are both smashed in as well as the windows broken.  
   The seat is the bare spring model and the brake pedal smashes to the floor 
with no effort.  The side of the block is slathered with JB weld, and it took 
ten starts with starting fluid to get enough compression going to maintain 
rotational momentum. There is no aircleaner , the battery dies out overnight 
and the plates are expired. Other than that its a pretty nice truck.
   So I came home and worked dilligently to finish a hutch for my wifes 
teacups  and tea pots.  Mission complete, and now I can do no wrong.  So I 
have just hung up from telling the guy I'd buy it.  Of course my wife has not 
seen it, and knows nothing of this brilliant purchase.
   Pray for me
  Stan the man
  56 napco chev 1/2 ton
  57 2.5 ton
  Newberg oregon

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