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Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c

To: "oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c
From: "Allen Jones" <jonesal@u.washington.edu>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 08:34:34 -0800
You can machine back the collar on a Pontiac double grove harmonic balancer
to make it fit your 235/261.  The hole and keyway for the crank are the
correct size and it is the same diameter as stock.  I put one on my 261
anticipating a/c.  It does require a very slight tweak (about 1/8") of the
fan to make it clear.  I chose to put a short, spiral cut on the otter tips
of the fan, but a slight bend will work as well.  I believe Buffalo in
Arlington, WA provides them ready to go.

Allen in Seattle
50 3100

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Allen" <thallen@nwlink.com>
To: "Ronald I. Givens" <givens@hal-pc.org>
Cc: "oletrucks" <oletrucks@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] Fw: a/c

> I installed one in my 51 AD cab. I got the four vent model which is
> overkill. I chose the Old Air unit over the Vintage Air with under-dash
> vent manifold because the manifold interferes with my e-brake lever that
> attached to the transmission and sticks up out of the floor next to the
> shift lever.
> The instructions were complete and easy to follow although it probably
> helped that I understand how the systems work, in general. I had to
> fabricate mounts but expected that. Everything works as advertised and it
> keeps the cab cool (80) even in 105 deg. weather with the sun beating
> through the windshield.
> Some picks and pans: The low speed on the blower is too high. Air for the
> defrost is cold much of the time but since it is dried air it seems to
> OK anyhow. The water valve is either all on or all off so the unit takes
> hot water, heats the air then cools it to the desired temperature,
> condensing out the moisture in the process. This is fine from a comfort
> standpoint but not from a fuel economy standpoint. It means that the
> compressor works too much of the time when the heater is on and that uses
> extra fuel. How much extra, I don't know but in 100+ deg. hot weather the
> AC cuts my mileage by about 10%. My solution was to put a cable operated
> water valve in series with the vacuum operated valve supplied with the
> unit. I cut the water flow back till the thermostat clicks on and off only
> at infrequent intervals like when pulling a hill. Of course, when it's
> really sloppy wet and the windows tend to fog up, I increase the water
> so more moisture is condensed out by the AC evaporator.
> Something to consider when adding A/C to any 216/235/261 powered vehicle:
> The crank pulley allows only for one belt. On the 235 it's a narrow belt
> and it has to drive the water pump, fan, compressor and alternator. The
> narrow belts have a pretty short life when stressed that far. They stretch
> and wear into the shape of the pulley and if you let them get loose they
> glaze and begin to slip. Once that happens, its almost impossible to get
> them tight enough not to slip. And if you could, it would make short work
> of the water pump bearing. So, follow the directions on the belt package
> and readjust it after a few minutes running time and then again at regular
> intervals. Carry a spare and some belt dressing. Admittedly, part of my
> problem is the high-pitch, 6-blade, 18" truck fan that I need to keep cool
> when pulling hills in third gear. But that's not all of the problem.
> What we really need is a double-groove harmonic balancer that sticks out
> farther than the original (for fan clearence), and  accommodates two drive
> belts, with compressor and alternator mounts to match.
> Tom Allen
> 51 3800
> At 10:21 PM 1/7/02 -0600, Ronald I. Givens wrote:
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: Ronald I. Givens
> >To: old-chevy-truck
> >Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:21 PM
> >Subject: a/c
> >
> >
> >Howdy,
> >can anyone tell me good or bad about Old Air Products (Hurricane a/c
> >Fort Worth, Texas...
> >thanks for any info
> >ron givens
> >oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
> Tom Allen
> Seattle, WA
> oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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