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Re: Zen and the Art of Rolls-Royce Maintenance (Haynes version)

Subject: Re: Zen and the Art of Rolls-Royce Maintenance (Haynes version)
From: "Richard J. H. Shears" <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 10:33:27 +0100
Carl Follstad wrote:

> I don't have Sarah's email address or I'd send this myself but perhaps you can
> pass it on.  

I think it's better you contact her.  She might pay more attention to
someone who speaks publishing jargon.  She is

        Sarah Dunlop <>

>From the best of my recollection, the Shadow manual came out not long
after the vehicle itelf, and thus I doubt that they were using any form
of electrical publishing then... but if you manage to winkle a microfilm
copy, or even a paper version, out of them, then I'm sure that a
multitude of list-members will be beating a path to your door, laden
with sackfuls of shekels to thrust into your willing hands.

When you're communicating with her, perhaps you could ask her what RR
manuals have ever been available.  While I think the chances of ever
getting a Haynes Spirit manual are slightly inferior to the prospect of
a snowflake reaching a mature old age in Hell, I'd still like to know
for sure before saving up for the RR manuals via the RREC.

Best of luck,

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