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Re: Oil, Smoke, dip stick

To: "Childs, David" <dchilds@epri.com>
Subject: Re: Oil, Smoke, dip stick
From: James <james.carpenter@ukaea.org.uk>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 06:29:11 +0000
Do a compression test on your engin before worying about the
ventilation.  If it's down and you find it's the valves do um but the
falt must be with the ventilation system.  If it's the bores then the
more you drive the car the worese state your engin will get in.  Once
they start to go they get worse very quick.  

The huge plumes of smoke can be caused by an arosole effect from the
dipstick, spraying liquid oil onto the manifold.  Not nice.  

If it is the bores and you have used an oil aditive then it's self
inflicted, don't use it again.  I used an oil aditive in my car STP I
think, 150 miles later the engin was ready for the scrap heap.  
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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