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Re: Funny story and rear end sag questions

To: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@earth.nwu.edu>, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Funny story and rear end sag questions
From: "Kirby T. Kenyon" <kenyonkt@maple.lemoyne.edu>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 13:40:01 -0400
Eric, et al...

I wouldn't think it was strong enough but who knows?

My brother has a TR4A, no headrests.  His tonneau has a thin metalic bar
from the center zipper to the door on each side and no lift problems. 
The wind seems to get in under my headrest pockets and creates a serious
lift even at 35-40 MPH.  I'm thinking of trying to use some straps sewn
into the headrest pockets that would wrap around the passenger side
headrest.  I've also thought about a rigid plastic strip from the center
zipper to the door just in front of the seat, similar to my brothers

Any thoughts about this?  I have another tonneau from my parts car that
I'm going to try to see if the same thing happens.  Problem is, right
now it's too cold to run without the hood!  Maybe this weekend...


Eric A. Yates wrote:
> >I've had a problem with the tonneau cover flying and flopping around due
> >to the wind.  I've been thinking of putting some kind of a strap in the
> >middle that would tie to the emergency brake lever.  Anyone else done
> >this?
> Well, I have not yet driven with my tonneau on at highway speeds. Up to 50
> it's fine, though. Mine is stretched tightly enough when snapped in place
> that it doesn't have too much excess slack to flap around.
> A securing strap from the middle is a good idea. Attaching a strap from the
> center of the tonneau to a snap somewhere on the tunnel between the seats
> would make for a clean setup. I'd hesitate to tie it to the brake lever,
> though... if your tonneau flaps around with enough gusto, could it lift the
> lever?
> Eric.

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