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Re: hardtop suspender

Subject: Re: hardtop suspender
From: fred thomas <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 22:11:03 -0800
> I recently got a new hardtop and I wanted some way to simply lift it
> above the car when unwanted and then drop it down when cold or
> rainy.
> Well, dad came over and designed a cool little gizmo that I thought
> someone here might be able to use.
> Here it goes:
>        /O--------------------------O
>       /   |                                   |
>      /    |                                   |
>    /      |                                   |
>   /       |                                   |
>  /        ||                                  ||
> [         ===================
>           || ++++++++++++++++ ||
>           ===================
>          ~~                                ~~
> pulley = O  (you need three.  two on the left, one on the right)
> | = single strand rope
> / = double strand rope
> || = 10" eye bolt
> = = 1" X 4" X 4' board
> + = hard top top
> ~~ = wing nut
> [ = clevice
> All contact with the hardtop has foam rubber to prevent scratches and
> weather stripping damage.  Also, my hardtop is aftermarket and only
> weighs around 50lbs.
> We put a spacer made of PVC to hold the top board up at all times.  The
> bottom board may be slotted or whatever you choose to make it work for
> you.  The top board exists to provide a little stability with the top
> sandwiched in with light pressure.
> The pulleys are held by eye screws.  A double pulley doesn't work well
> because of the forces being in such opposing directions.
> All parts are less than $50.  The eye bolts themselves were $23 (Yikes!),
> but can hold 2200lbs per bolt.
> I hope someone can use this.  I am very blessed by having it in the air
> and not on the ground.
> Lastly, improvement ideas are welcome, but please don't tell me how I
> screwed up mechanical laws or anything.  I'm not out to win a prize.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> Another systems administrator/analyst, not a mechanical engineer

Kevin, I have a similar hook-up, just a few words of caution, DO NOT LET 
THE STRAPS TOUCH THE TOP IN WARM WEATHER, if the top is off the car for 
any length of time and the straps are over the edges of the top it will 
stain and bleach the top, the straps will bleed right thru on the hard 
top, ask me about a 1955 Ford T-Bird !! Been there done that

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