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Re: HS4 idle speed Woah!

To: wizardz@toad.net
Subject: Re: HS4 idle speed Woah!
From: Dave Chu <dave@ece.concordia.ca>
Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2000 15:29:16 -0400

In message <000801bfff05$dc207fe0$5dadf018@wizardz-lair-ii>you write:
>Alright!  what aint'  ah doin' right?
>New HS4's (no air leaks at shafts)  new manifold gasket
>(all other gaskets as well)
>New clean setup of HS4's on a '75 Spit.
>With the idle stop screws almost all the way out I can't seem to get
>the idle down below 2krpm.

  I had an similar problem after I rebuild my former ZS.  It turned out
  the butterfly valve (throttle plate) was not set properly against the
  throttle shaft.  You should not see any gaps when the throttle plate
  when it's in the closed position.  If the plate is not set properly it 
  will let air in and thus high idle speed.

Dave                                                  |\ |     | |      
_______________________________________/\  /\  /\_____| \|_____| |____________
Dave Chu                                 \/  \/       | /|     | |  
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.                           |/ |     | |      
Concordia University              Voice:(514)848-3115   Fax:(514)848-2802 
1455 de Maisonneuve W. H961       Email:dave@ece.concordia.ca
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8  http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~dave/addr.html

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