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cable update and button snaps.

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: cable update and button snaps.
From: Spitfire 1500 <s1500@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 14:41:01 -0500
        Well,  I tried the graphite powder on the accelerator cable. Guess 
what, it's powder. Doesn't stick on to a cable in this instance. So I 
just went with stuffing the cable in a bottle of motor oil. Did a few 
tests, and it worked beautifully. Add that to me getting my collector 
plates(bye-bye silly vanity plates), and this car's inchin me to take it 

But, this comes up to the other issue. With the frequent rain(now 
finally gone), I have to re-pop-rivet back on the 2 posts(the metal 
ones). What are the sizes of pop-rivet fasteners I should use? I have a 
variety of loose ones, so could I just measure it with a caliper to the 
appropriate size, and install?

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