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Re: you know you're a Moss customer when...

To: "Glen Byrns" <grbyrns@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: Re: you know you're a Moss customer when...
From: "Brad Fornal" <tequila.brad@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 20:35:04 -0500
You end up making your own interior panel kit because the bastards refuse to
sell the correct one..........

On 6/8/06, Glen Byrns <grbyrns@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> You know you're a Moss customer when:
> When you have lots of left over locktabs for a 948 after installing the
> 1275
> locktab kit.
> You've hand filed thrust washers to get them to fit.
> Your gaskets are all 0.01 too small
> Your 'new' oil pump is sloppier than the 40 year old one you're replacing
> Your new front wheel bearings have more slop than the old ones
> You discover that "U.K." stands for Uttar Krapesh.
> All the mounting holes for your new bugeye door mechanism must be ovalized
> to get it to fit.
> name witheld to insure continued supply of parts I will later bitch about.
> --
> www.myspace.com/tequilabrad

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