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Re: MIG Welder & Sprinzel front end info

To: Linda Grunthaner <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: MIG Welder & Sprinzel front end info
From: Jim Juhas <james.f.juhas@snet.net>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:23:19 -0400
Depending on the welding supplier, it could be a better deal to purchase 
your tanks.  In Connecticut, I use ABCO (don't know if they are beyond 
Ct, but they have many outlets here).  I own my tanks, so I pay no 
rental, but for refills, they exchange the tank.  So I don't have to 
face the recertification issue, because I'm always getting fresh tanks.  
The purchase cost amortized over the years has been far less than rental 
would have been.  I do have an issue with one tank (argon/CO2) I have 
with fittings different than their usual.  They don't have that style to 
exchange, so it has to go to one of their bigger stores to actually be 
filled.  But in the meantime, they loan me a tank while I'm waiting!  I 
did have to face the recertification issue with that tank once, but it 
is so new looking, they simply filled it and sent it back!  Maybe next 
time I'll have to deal with it.  But I have extra tanks (long story) so 
I just keep recycling the ones that they will exchange and keep that 
new-looking one in reserve.

Linda Grunthaner wrote:

>Good idea because I did that with my gas welder then when I moved into an
>apartment I gave them back. Now with a garage I am good to go again.
>On 5/9/07, Bud Osbourne <abcoz@hky.com> wrote:
>>Best bet is to lease a gas cylinder, from your local welding supply
>>house.  Then, when you need a refill, just take the empty to them and
>>exchange it for a full one, for whatever the cost of the type and amount
>>of gas happens to be.  

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