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Re: [Spridgets] wheel bearings Follow-up

To: "Deikis, John G" <John.Deikis@va.gov>, "Spridgets"
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] wheel bearings Follow-up
From: "David Lieb" <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:36:38 -0500
>>>If I take the spacer out, I'll lose it. If I keep it in there, 
I'll know exactly where it is if I ever need it again.
This is really a space management issue!

Good point... I think I might know where mine went... or not.
I guess we all need that cabinet for parts we won't need again 
until we want a concours trailer queen. I hope I never get that
old cuz I sure won't be able to remember where I put the parts
by then.
David Lieb

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