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[Spridgets] Weather... or not...

Subject: [Spridgets] Weather... or not...
From: peter at nosimport.com (Peter Caldwell)
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 12:28:21 -0600
References: <201102010949830.SM01444@TOSHIBA-USER3.nosimport.com> <AANLkTi=huE=EAHX9pchZqWnaBwo78TuNkVjivUrx-i-d@mail.gmail.com>
Did the strippers make it?


At 12:26 PM 2/1/2011, Brad Fornal wrote:
>Damn Packers and Steelers brought ya'lls crappy weather with them. 
>22* outside, with a wind chill of below 0.
>It was in the low 80's Sunday....
>Damn Superbowl.

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