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Re: fixin's

Subject: Re: fixin's
From: Ron Soave <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 18:33:25 -0700 (PDT)
Hey All,

It is friggin' RAINING here like you wouldn't believe
(a few miles from the track).  Seek high ground as a
priority, or dem Thicko land barges will be seafarin'
barges!  A little poetic justice at work, a drainage
canal swelled 6 feet, and flooded all around the
muckety mucks' garage.  So ALL the geniuses who just
implemented a new "no jeans, no work boots regardless
of snowfall, rainfall etc." because THEY don't have to
wade through the shit in the snow,  had to remove
their shiny shoes and roll up the wool pants to get in
the garage to their cars.  No one figured out one
pickup truck acting as a shuttle would have solved the
problem, and I wasn't gonna tell them, nor were any of
the rest of us dumbasses with more education, more
common sense, and dry feet.

Ron Soave
'60 Bugeye
'72 BGT
'87 325iS

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