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Re: Use distilled water in your radiator.

To: Keith Bradshaw <bradshaw@utdallas.edu>
Subject: Re: Use distilled water in your radiator.
From: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 18:52:50 -0700
At 03:40 PM 5/13/97 -0500, Keith Bradshaw wrote:
>After looking into DI water problems here, and conversations with the
North Texas Municipal Water
>guys and the A&M water guys down south I found they concur on this point.
>Use distilled water in your radiator.  Hard water allows calcium buildup
in the radiator and even 
>soft water will do that.  Distilled water should keep the radiator clear

CONCUR COMPLETELY......if you check your Sunbeam Shop manuals, owners guide
and those of other cars (Mustangs, etc.) of the same vintage, they will all
say to use distilled water.  I have always used distilled water in all my
cars and virtually NEVER had a build-up problem.....maybe that is the
problem with my '91 Explorer....it leaks when it is cold not when hot!!
Research on this has uncovered that the gaskets on the plastic side pieces
are giving out.....appears in this case I would have benefited from calcium
build-up!!  All kidding aside, ALWAYS use bottled, DISTILLED H20 in auto
cooling systems.

Allan  <;-o

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