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RE: rear bumpers

To: joetiger@mindspring.com, Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Subject: RE: rear bumpers
From: "Spontelli, Ramon" <rs11@ElSegundoCA.NCR.COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 12:51:39 -0800
>  The way I described it is exactly the way Jay's MkV Alpine is. Maybe
>  only the Tiger MKII's that do it that way. If I am off a model, I
>  apologize.

The Series V Alpine in my driveway at home doesn't have such holes in
the bumper.
It has the license plate lights attached to a bracked mounted onto the
body of the car.

The two Series IV Alpines that I have disassembled didn't have such
holes in the bumper.
They had the license plate lights attached to a bracket mounted onto the
body of the car.

The Series II Alpine that is in my driveway at home, the Series II
Alpine that I disassembled, and the Series I Alpine that I got for free
and subsequently gave <for free> to Dan Walters did not have such holes
in the bumper.  They have/had a single license plate light attached to
the body of the car.

The Mk I and MK II Tigers in my garage at home don't have such holes in
the bumper.
They have the licnese plate lights attached to a bracket mounted onto
the body of the car.

In the over thirty years that I have been fooling with Tigers, and more
recently Alpines, I have never even seen a car, or a picture of a car,
with holes in the bumper for license plate lights.

Does your Tiger have holes in the bumper for license plate lights?  I
think the man down at Verne's could plug 'em up and replate it for you.


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