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inquiry 010400e

To: "National Corporation (E-mail)" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: inquiry 010400e
From: "Wright, Larry" <larry.wright@usop.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 08:56:18 -0600
        MWood24020@aol.com wrote:
>According to the experts, there is one, and 
>only one, Harrington Tiger in the world.

        Yeah, but what about the ultra-rare Harrington Tiger stretch limo?

        Lawrence R. Wright, still looking for a heater cable.

        P.S.: How rare and/or available are the trim parts that went along
the top edge of the doors of some Tigers and Alpines (GT?). What I've seen
is a metal, er, strip with black vinyl over padding attached, and I think I
saw that they required somewhat different vent window (ha!) frames. 
        I think the doors look awfully bare, not up to snuff in the
appearance department with the rest of the car's interior. I think this "GT
trim" was only done in black, which would look truly dumb against the GQ's
red interior. But, and this means it would be OK if I found a set with
worn/damaged vinyl, I could recover them in some leftover red leather I have
(BTW, how is the vinyl attached to the metal strip, and how is that attached
to the door?). Further, I'm wondering about the possibility of inserting
some walnut finished to match the dash, rather like the wood door capping
seen on some upscale British cars.
        This is something I've been pondering for a while, not sure if I
want to do it, nor when, but I'd be able to decide easier if I knew of a
source for the parts, or knew that they make Mk II grilles seem common and
are thus out of reach. I think that wood along the top of the doors, plus a
walnut-and-leather extension below the center of the dash to hold a radio
and a few gauges, would contribute to the Grand Touring look inside the car.

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