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Re: More Fire Extinguisher Queries

To: SFordRB@aol.com
Subject: Re: More Fire Extinguisher Queries
From: Victor Hughes <hughes@scides.canberra.edu.au>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:25:57 +1000

There are 2 issues, although the media frequently mix them up.  Ozone Depletion
is quite different to Global Warming - different cause, different effects.  As a
science (PhD) student (also with 50 years life experience) I agree that the
evidence on global warming is contradictory and in some ways inconclusive.

I just made a quick pass through my Uni library database of scientific journal
abstracts and it  shows that Ozone depletion research is also still intensive.
There is plenty of evidence that the ozone holes are real, induced at least in
part by halogens and cause the enhanced UVB levels which do adversely influence
some organisms including humans.

I agree with you on the precautionary principle, and I too am concerned about
the misuse of Science, but we must be aware that it is not just misused by "a
few environmental wackos".  If you want an example, look at the Tobacco Industry
which for years misused science to promote its products.

BTW, You get identical emails when I send to both you and the list, like I just
got 4 from you.

Cheers, and keep on Tigering


SFordRB@aol.com wrote:

> The issue of ozone holes and global warming are still undecided. The science
> used is of questionable quality. The most recent readings taken by the
> researcher indicate just the opposite of your statement. The research is
> based, in part, on a comparison of records of the past @100 years. Time wise
> this is insufficient for the establishment of any long term trends.
> But, it is always better to error on the side of caution. Military aircraft
> still carry halon extinguishing equipment (so I guess the gov't has decided
> that it is safe enough for their use). While being safe and environmentally
> sensitive we must also weigh when the benefit of a product outweighs the
> danger of it's use in a limited range of situations, i.e. commercial
> airlines.
> In closing, as an academic find the misuse of science abhorrent but, I too
> use sunscreen and am concerned about the destruction of our overtaxed
> environment.
> Sean

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