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Re: Seat Belts

To: VegasLegal@aol.com
Subject: Re: Seat Belts
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2004 14:33:35 -0800
Interesting (if disturbing) points--and let's not forget the splintering 
wooden steering wheel.

Probably a good thing I don't think about this much, or I'd go out and 
buy a Hummer instead.

Best Regards

David Sosna

VegasLegal@aol.com wrote:

>  If this is going to be a forty G crash, in a '66 two 
>seat British roadster, I'm dead anyway, and whatever I hit, I am sitting under 
>its axle.  If it hit me, its bumper is somewhere north of my firewall.  If it 
>was a head-on, our rear bumpers have met (like the proverbial bug that the 
>last thing he sees when he hit the windshield is his a-h).  
>Moving to more realistic situations where I am about to be impaled on the 
>dated steering column, or just as bad, fling my head into the steel cross 
>at the top of the window, this set-up will work fine.  

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