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RE: Spam and Spammers

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Spam and Spammers
From: "Theo Smit" <theo.smit@dynastream.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:23:45 -0600
 Hi Peter, and listers,
The spammers use many different techniques to get email addresses. A common
way is to use website 'spider' programs that navigate websites and suck up
anything that they recognize as an email address, typically
someone@organization.TLD . This is why, in the newer TigersUnited articles,
email addresses and hyperlinks are put up in coded-character format - it
doesn't impact what you see or how you use it, but it's not recognized by
spider programs unless they interpret the HTML formatted text first. I'm
sure they will get to that level of sophistication soon if they haven't
already, but you gotta do what you can.

It would be nice if the various archives that get generated and posted on
the net (including the Tigers mailing list archive) would run the text
through a filter where the email addresses got encoded in this way, but Mark
B already has enough to do...


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