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Re: TR6 Production

To: "Scott W. Paisley" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Production
From: Bill Sohl Budd Lake <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 21:39:05 -400 (EDT)

On Fri, 30 Jun 1995, Scott W. Paisley wrote:

> I was surf'n the web, and found the TR6 Production list on the VTR
> homepage.  However, it doesn't list the number of cars produced each
> year.  Does anyone have this info?  Are "low production" years more
> sought after?  I was told that the '70 & '71s were low prduction
> years, but I always thought the '69 was the lowest.
> Someone in the know, please enlighten me!

I'll offer my own insight as an appraiser of Triumphs.  Generally,
at least for the TR-6, the actual production numbers by year have
no least they haven't so far.  Additionally, all TR-6s
are of the same general value if in the same condition with the following
exceptions.  The very first TR-6s (1969) and last (1976) have a marginally
greater value than the rest of the 6s (1970 to 1975).  By the
waym that's pretty true for any model vehicle that was produced
over several years with little difference along the way...the first and
last of the production have a greater value and are coveted a bit more
than the rest.

Bill Sohl  K2UNK     (Budd lake, New Jersey)      (

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