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Re: TR6 oil press indication

To: "William S. Brown" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 oil press indication
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 10:30:13 -0900 (PDT)
On Mon, 17 Jul 1995, William S. Brown wrote:

> Is the oil pressure gauge a reliable indicator?

Perhaps not for scientific measurement, but otherwise YES.

> Is there any way to cause the instrument to read
> higher than the true pressure?

Don't know about that, but I'm sure it's possible.

> Do the gauge and the oil press switch read the
> same thing (pressure at the same place in the
> engine)?

I'm not sure about TR6s, but that is often the case, usually with a "T" 

> Reason for asking:
> Panel lights on recently purchased TR6 behave
> as though oil pressure switch had a threshold
> of about 70psi - so either the switch is bad or
> I've been snookered.
> Think I'm being overly suspicious? The IGN and OIL
> lamps had been interchanged, and the brake warning
> lamp was out of its socket, so that elec system was
> initially suspect.

Maybe it still is, but my guess is the sender for the warning light has 
gone bad. However, don't rule out other PO electrical bodges, as the oil 
pressure and brake failure warning lights are somewhat interconnected 
(ostensibly as a "check" to ensure that both lights are working). The 
owner's and workshop manuals should explain this interconnection.

Andy Mace

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