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Help from San Jose Area SOLers

Subject: Help from San Jose Area SOLers
From: cmoliver@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 96 10:42:03 (PST)
Encoding: 7 Text
Sorry to bomb the list, but delete this if you don't live in the San Jose CA
area.  Wayne Bier of Triumphs Only has a 61 TR4 advertised on the VTR classified
page.  Has any member done business with Wayne?  If any of you are by his shop
could you please look at the car?  I know the Bay area is big, and since I
changed jobs I don't get out to SJ like I use to, or I would look myself. 
Thanks, have a great holiday, and please reply to me and not the list.  Chris in

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