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Re: A little (hoax) virus warning that I received.

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: A little (hoax) virus warning that I received.
From: Gregory Urban <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 10:48:08 -0500 (EST)
Yes, the virus waring is a hoax, but there are (very) rare occasions where
software has defeated hardware.

One example:  Cisco (the makers of routers that consist of 80% of the
internet) had a bug in their operating system that destroyed the NVRAM in 
the router.

A few years back there was a bug in an program that caused a *very* tight
instruction loop.  The constant computation of the CPU caused it to
overheat and be destroyed.

As a rule of thumb, any virus warning coming from, and forward to 10
people in AOL is a bad hoax.  Especially if it clains that reading a text
message can magically destroy hardware.

Greg U

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