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Re: V-6 conversion

To: Chris Landers <>
Subject: Re: V-6 conversion
From: Mark West <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:21:57 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
At 02:47 AM 1/19/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>I am glad to have found ya all again.  Been a few months.
>Well  Here is my question to day.  This last late summer I blew the
>motor in my TR-7.  And I was wondering since its not moter/tranny less
>how hard would it be to convert it to a v-6?  
>1980 TR-7  Without a heart...:(
>I did this once with a  3.8L Buick V6 and the only thing I would recommend
is that you get a 9" ford rear end narrowed to fit.With the standard rear
end 1st gear of the new tranny is useless and the car will top out at about
70 mph.Although with the stock rear end there isn't a car that I know of
that could keep up.
        If you are still considering this swap let me know and I can tell you of
some of the other problems and how I overcame them.
                                Mark West
                                '76  TR7

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