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Re: answer as to why we

To: Sylvain Rozon <>, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: answer as to why we
From: Irwin Armstrong <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 20:57:12 +0100
References: <>

Why ?  I asked because I wanted to know from those who wanted to answer, no
one was forced to answer although very many have chosen to do so. ( I will
send thanks to  all who replied when the replies have stopped.)

The point.?  Because I have often looked at my 2 cars and wondered deep down
why I liked them so much.

Remember to me they are not LBC's they are 'our' old cars being keep in good
condition or being restored to good condition.( I live in the UK)

I have also posted what I thought were my reasons - but I can now also
identify with so much of what those people who took the time to answer have
said, that I could add much of what they said to my list.

So I can't understand why you are irritated, maybe you didn't realise that I
have 2 of them - it was posted at the end of the message.


TR6 and Spitfire

Sylvain Rozon wrote:

> Hi to all,
> I found the question "why do you drive LBS..." very irritating. I should
> like to ask the person..."why do you ask?? what's your point??"
> It is a very person. thing...isn't it? I like LBC period. Truly, they
> break down and cost much $. I had a very bad experience with a TR6 many
> years ago...but IT HAD BEEN neglected for years before I bought it. The
> same might have applied to another make......
> It is "hopeless love" I think...we know they are "not that good" but we
> simply LIKE THEM.....
> That's it!!
> Sylvain.

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