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When visiting Europe

Subject: When visiting Europe
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 17:48:35 +0100
Hello listers,
I noticed that some of you are visiting Europe this year and you 
might be interested to attend a major Triumph event on this side of 
the Atlantic.
29th-30th of May in south of Netherlands: A great event for all 
Triumph models: The Standard Triumph European Rally
Web site:
4th of July in Gaydon.. Hi John it on your web site
Standard Triumph Festival  for all Triumphs
31th July-1st August in Malvern UK - south of Birmingham
TR Register UK International Weekend -TR2 to TR8
Web site :
6th-8th of August in Jutland Denmark:
TR Euromeeting -TR2-TR8 all European clubs invited
Why I tell you this ???, I was last year in Phoenix in march on the 
weekend of the British Car Day and I did not know about it, 
#%&*#8  I'm still angry about my self.
this information can helas not be found in tourist brochures,
Best regards and maybe see you soon.
Jean R
70 TR6 PI ( TR fan since 1963 ) 

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