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RE: YOUR CARS, slight LBC content

To: Triumph List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: RE: YOUR CARS, slight LBC content
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 11:30:30 -0500
Well, all your long lists of fun cars makes me jealous.  I have a short, boring 
I keep cars as long as possible, until something happens to them and I am 
forces to
get another one.  Unless I leased the car.....  

I hope this is not boring for the list, so I included a little story
with each entry. 

If you don't want to read it, feel free to delete.

1970 Austin America.  Owned late 1976 through 1982 or so.  Was fairly
          reliable, but woefully underpowered.  Acted like something was wrong. 
          found any actual problem except the worst case of rust on a 30,000 
mile car you ever
          saw.  Eventually rusted APART!  Actually I loved the car despite all 

1972 VW 311 "Fastback"   Owned 1982-1986.  Actually a great car.  Under 
powered; the
          trunks made all my stuff smell like gasoline.  Very reliable.  
Eventual demise came from a burned
           valve.  The dealer wanted more than the car was worth to fix it.  So 
I did it.  replaced all the valves,
          lapped them myself,   replaced the heaters, a bunch of other stull.  
All on a long weekend.  I was
          in a rush at the end and was not happy with the wire on the oil 
pressure warning sender.  It stuck straight
          up and rode against the engine compartment cover.  Well, the wire was 
indeed broken.  Guess how
           I found out?  One of the valve cover gaskets did not seal.  they 
NEED to seal on a horiz. opp. 4 cyl.
          NO OIL, engine seized.  Unloaded it for $200.

1987 Honda Accord.  Best car I ever drove.  traded-in 1990

1991 Saturn SL2.   Overall not as good a car as the Honda.  Not "bad".  Engine 
idled with a terrible
          vibration.  The accord was so smooth you sould not tell if the engine 
was running (almost).
          Loved the plastic body panels!    Sold  1994

1995 Olds Aurora  A very nice, smooth solid car. Almost as good as the Honda.  
Safer, for sure.
          Interior fit and finish not perfect.  Lease up 1997.

1998 Olds Aurora.  Just the same as the last.  Nice car.  Needs AWD for the 250 
hp.  It will spin the 235 tires
          in a moment even with "traction control".  Lease is up late 2000.  
What to get next?

October 2000:  Currently infatuated with the Audi S4.  Too expensive, but nice. 
 Smaller than the Aurora, but
         that is OK, but just barely.

1966 TR4A.  Great condition except that part damaged when a woman made me run
         into her.  Now missing entire right front corner.  Awaiting parts.  I 
          having withdrawl symptoms!

1966 TR4A  Was my father's now belongs to my brother and me.  Currently in parts
          awaiting paint on the tub, then slow reassembly.

Wife's cars, which are mine too....

1968 VW Bug.  Nice car.  Abused engine.  Needed a new one.  Took the cheaper 
route of a
          rebuild.  Regretted that one within 6 months.  Sold 1984?

1982 Plymouth Champ, bought 1984.  Overall a nice car.  Wish I knew that there 
was a 1300 engine
          in it.  Didn't know there was anything but the 1500.  Had carburetor 
problems.  I rebuilt the carb myself.
           The fuel line to the carb was a little deteriorated.  I just cut off 
an inch and attached it.  Should have
          replaced it!   It leaked.  Car stalled due to gas starvation.  I 
eventually got the car running and limped it
          back to the shop.  Never made it.  Discovered the problem was a fuel 
leak when the dripping
          got on the cat.  Poof!  Burned up 1987.

1987 Dodge Colt.  OK car.  Manual tranny went in 1992.  Rearended 1993.  Not 
bad, but totalled anyway.
          The darn car was paid off too!!!  I was MAD.

1993  Dodge Intrepid.  Good car.  Too little power.  Unbelievable highway gas 
mileage.  Traded-in

1995 Ford Explorer.  Great car.  With Blizzaks will go ANYWHERE in the snow.  
Totalled 1997 in a
          Big chain-reaction accident.  We were hit in the rear at the tire.  
Spun the car, and blew the tire.
          We ended up upside-down going down the highway at 60 mph.  That 
grinding seems to go on forever....

1997 Ford Explorer.  Another great car.  Right now it appears to have a stuck 
open thermostat.

As for LBCs, she wants a Hillman Super Minx (convertible).  Go figure.

14 cars.  Not too bad, I guess.  Some interesting stories.


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