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Re: What a tool!!!

Subject: Re: What a tool!!!
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 21:04:12 EDT
Here, here Ron....I'll second that sentiment. 
I don't think that there's another marque out there that shares the 
comradarie we enjoy in our LBC's.
Our world is linked by our British iron whether you share your daily 
experiences from the remote woods through this list or through personal 
relationships with the British car club in your area.
I've been restoring my TR3A for 4 years now, but we've had our MGB for 21 
years and we wouldn't exchange our experiences for all the Boxters, Z3s and 
SLs in the world.
It's just the greatest thing since "sliced bread"

Bob Stahlbush

60 TR3A (TS 81398L)
66 MGB (GHN3L 78708)

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