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Ode to spring

To: "''" <>
Subject: Ode to spring
From: "Paige, Dean" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 10:20:17 -0800
-----Original Message-----
From: Paige, Dean []
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 9:06 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [the-backroom] RE: Subtle Humor

Not even April and low 80s F. predicted here in Santa Rosa today. The
Jasmine is just beginning
to bloom. and it's redolent scent perfumes the back yard. The hummingbirds
have discovered spring's first blossoms on the Bell Flower tree. The Red
Buds have just begun blooming and leafing out. In the front yard the Freesia
is in full bloom and scenting the entire area with an almost intoxicating
rich fruity aroma. It's bordered by the stands of Dutch Iris, Tulips and
Daffodils. Finches, sparrows and the occasional red winged blackbird are at
the bird feeder and a mocking bird is proclaiming from an adjacent rooftop
with a cascade of song that spans the scales. Two black cats, tails flicking
excitedly view these little birdies. The cats themselves singing; "Love
those little birdies, birdies what I love to eat, bite their little heads
off, nibble on their tiny feet." in salivating kitty mews. If only the damn
bird feeder was in reach. I've been sitting in the hot tub after work
reading Carl HiAssen's newest... Sick Puppy, sipping on a Corona or a Pain
Killer, at one with spring. Wind chimes tinkling in a gentle breeze, the
birds singing, the air rich with the scent of myriad blooms. Old wounds and
sorrows fading, new possibilities on the horizon, new women on the calendar.
The XJ-6 and the TR-6 (top down all winter) are polished, detailed and tuned
for wine country cursing, trips to Tahoe and the Caribbean are planned and
paid for. The winter is worth the spring. Here's hoping that when the thaw
does come for you in the colder climes it is just as ripe with possibilities
and the promise of a great summer.


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