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Re: Age Related Discounts/Younger Owners (!!!!!)

Subject: Re: Age Related Discounts/Younger Owners (!!!!!)
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:25:55 EDT
In a message dated 6/25/01 12:49:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> Would you want them to have a
> Triumph?  Keep them in their Civics, do not taint the ranks.  The above
> movie theatre scenario is readily repeatable with similar results.
> it was especially rampant on opening night of the movie, when I happened to
> be there with my TR6 - not that I engaged in any of the behaviour which I
> spoke of above.
> I ask every list member from here on in, to discourage new (but not
> inherent) interest in the Triumph marque.
> I myself am a case where British car ownership was instilled in me through
> family (mother and her brother, my uncle).  Between us there were at one
> point two MKI MGBs, two TR6s, one TR4A and one Austin Healey 3000.  At the
> present time the count only differs by the lack of one of the MGBs.
> I suppose that is all for now...


Do you really believe any young person interested in LBCs must have LBCs in
their family history to qualify for LBC ownership?  Lacking family history,
how old do you think they have to be before you deign to allow them to enter
the club?

I'm glad you weren't in charge when I bought my first LBC in 1987 (71
Midget).  I was 19, and was fortunate to discover what I thought everyone on
these lists already knew -- that there are a remarkable number of people of
goodwill who are willing to help you, explain to you, tell you or show you
how to do things.  My Midget was a classic case -- $600 and lots of issues.
 I brought it home and parked it next to my dad's Cutlass Supreme and my
mom's Electra Estate wagon (with fake wood sides, no less!).  My parents
never had a fun car in their lives, and certainly wouldn't have taken on an
LBC.  But here I was, 19 and very interested.  Fourteen years and three LBCs
later, I still feel like I know only a thimblefull of what the others on this
list know, but my garage is full of wonderful old things that make me happy
even if I cannot rebuild them in my sleep.

You say we should not "taint the ranks" by allowing the boys with their
Civics into the club?  Seems to me lots of similar arguments have been used
to keep poor people from voting and blacks out of country clubs, too.  Kai, I
hope you'll take my advice and get out of the social engineering business.

When I was of current lowered Civic age, the hot cars were Mustang GTs and VW
GTIs, and I remember the incredible feeling of having the right car on the
right night at the right place -- nothing quite so exciting as that in the
world (at least to young car nuts).  Right now, there are 17 year olds in
places across the country who are working part-time jobs in virtual sole
pursuit of the headiness of that moment.  Some of them are considering buying
an old British car instead of a slammed Civic with bass speakers that will
make your heart beat irregularly.  I say we welcome them with open arms
because nothing kills a hobby faster than dwindling membership and interest.
 Kai, your feelings on LBC ownership will lead to exactly that.  Have a look
at the Model A and Model T Fords to see where we're ultimately headed.

Kids who do not yet understand British cars may look like punks to you now,
but so has every new generation to its immediate ancestors.

I sure hope you're wearing your Nomex underpants, Kai, because I have a hunch
I'm not alone!

Chris Eck
59 Bugeye
59 TR3A
(ex) 71 Midget
93 Audi S4 TQ

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