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RE: The saga continues (TR6 ignition, etc.)

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: The saga continues (TR6 ignition, etc.)
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 18:52:11 -0800
Pete :

Well, I meant to write an answer to your earlier post, basically Occam's
Razor is only a guideline, not an absolute rule. Engine problems, like other
problems, sometimes do come in threes (and twos, and fours ...)

It's certainly possible your Allison has become intermittent, could even be
the result of whatever happened when the purple circuit popped it's fuse.  I
agree, switching back to the points would be my first step.  BTW, I keep a
spare point plate already setup with points in the spare tire well, so it's
only two screws and the advance spring to switch between points and Crane.

Clean the plugs, or swap with new ones (spare set of plugs is another good
thing to carry).

If the problem persists, I'd start looking at fuel delivery.  5 weeks is
plenty of time for condensation to accumulate in the gas tank, and a
water-clogged fuel filter could cause the problem you are describing.

ISTR a discussion of the Crane XR700 design overheating (and failing) if the
ignition is left on with the engine stopped for too long.  Does this apply
to the Allison as well ?  Seems like it would ...


> I guess I'll need to pull all the plugs and scope them out.  And, I
> guess maybe I oughtta try to get it to run WELL on the points and
> condenser again before I switch back to the XR700.  Maybe the XR700
> unit really HAS gone south, but intermittently?

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