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water pump pulley woes

Subject: water pump pulley woes
From: Chris Kantarjiev <>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 14:01:00 -0800 (PST)
I've been chasing cooling problems on my 4A - the only serious
problem I've had since pulling her out of mothballs for more
years than I care to say (touch wood). The water pump seal
went, but at first only started leaking when she got
*really* hot ... took a while to figure that out.

I put on a rebuilt pump that I had on the shelf. I wasn't as
careful as I could have been, and didn't notice that the keyway
in the pulley was partially broken out. This led to not installing
the pulley fully home which led to ... a broken belt. Exciting
at freeway speeds. 

The damage to the keyway was on the non-thrust side, so I patched
with JB weld, lightly recut the bore on the lathe and filed out
the original keyway profile. Now the pulley goes on completely - in
fact, too far! Last night I made a 3/16" spacer to sit behind 
the pulley, which should get everything aligned properly.

My concern is with the fit of the pulley on the shaft. With the
key in place but the securing nut off, the pulley wobbles 
axially quite a bit on the shaft. Not very surprising, since
the application of pressure from the belt is off-center; I'm
certain the bore is worn. 

I'm trying to decide if I should sleeve the bore before 
reassembly? I can't find a ready-made hard sleeve in my
searching - the closest I can get is a bronze sleeve bearing, which
seems like it will be softer than the cast iron and wear quickly - 
so I might just make one out of steel. The idea is to bore
the hole to about 3/4" diameter from the current 5/8, press
in the sleeve, and cut the keyway - since the keyway is 1/8"
square, there should be 1/16" or so left of the original left
as a guide.

Or should I just bolt it up, torque the retaining nut, and
ignore it? :-)


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