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Flywheels - TR6 VS GT6

Subject: Flywheels - TR6 VS GT6
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 04:52:54 -0700 (PDT)
I was looking at a couple of flywheels in the parts pile the other day.

One was off a GT6, the other off of a TR6.

Looked like the only difference between the two was that the GT6 flywheel had
about half an inch or so of material machined off the face of it.  So it was
much thinner, (and lighter)

Other than that . .I don't think there was a pocket for the pilot bushing in
the GT6 wheel.

Anyone know any other differences?

I could swear someone on this list once told me that they had adapted a GT6
flywheel to their TR4 or TR6 as a lighter substitute.

Just curious.

Scott Tilton
1963 TR4 Everyday,
Leesburg, VA

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