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RE: Is there anywhere in the world...?

To: "'Gerald Van Vlack'" <>,
Subject: RE: Is there anywhere in the world...?
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 10:08:49 -0400
Gerry, a little bickering does not a war make. Anything chatting about
different life choices will touch a sensitive spot from time to time. It
happens. Spice of life stuff. I still like to have my little chat with some
of the guys on more than just "My God, just exactly how hard is a #8 bolt?"
It adds to the sense of community. And yes, I do have friends not in
Internet land too. Actually though, my business work is conducted so much by
telephone and e-mail that I have to say the at least 80% of the people I
work with I rarely meet. It's that way for many people today. A little side
chatter gives confidence in the character of the people, not just their
professed expertise. It helps when you're betting the farm on it. Before I
take the advise of some unseen person on how to adjust my brakes, I like to
feel good about that person's judgement. The life I save may be my own. Not
to mention it's a window into a different part of the world. Look around,
this world could use a little more understanding. :^)



-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Van Vlack []
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:15 AM
To: Jeffery Howard; Randall Young;
Subject: Re: Is there anywhere in the world...?

When I wrote last week that we should try and stay on topics related to
Triumphs (and I did not intend to leave out products made by Standard
Motors) I got some negative feedback from more than a few on the list.

This dialogue and the stuff that ensued afterwards is exactly the reason I
said what I did.

I've never met Randall, but my guess is that he doesn't live in a hole and I
know that his posts on technical matters are very informative. I've never
met Jeff either and I don't know anything about him, but if he'd like to
post Triumph related items or questions, my guess is that Randall would have
a sensible response and be ready to help.

I stand by my comments earlier this week. Too many times I've seen this same
thing happen on this list when topics stray from the intention of the list.
Lets stay on topics that this list was intended to serve and stop the
denigration to personal attacks. If you feel that way, write to the other
person off list and keep it off list. I really don't care if you hate each
other; other than life is too short for hatred in my view. That's my story
and I'm sticking to it.

By the way, to all of the fathers out there "HAPPY FATHERS DAY".

Jerry Van Vlack

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