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Rear Axle seal apology, part II

Subject: Rear Axle seal apology, part II
From: McRuss <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 16:02:53 -0800 (PST)
It's all part of getting old........

Now what where was I?

Oh, yeah, the rear seals.  The question has been axed:  is
it the inner or outer seals..  Inner; the ones in the
housing itself ('64 TR4, solid axle, obviously.)

Sorry II

Russ Locke
San Antonio, TX
(but a Coloradian forever....)
'02 R1150RT, '98 KLR650, '04 FJR1300, '64 TR4 
PITS, MOA, Oilheads, VTR, etc.
MSF Rider Coach

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