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RE: [TR] RE: Global Worming

Subject: RE: [TR] RE: Global Worming
From: "Stasyszen, Jerry" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:11:06 -0600
Odd how anyone could not believe that human activity contributes to
global warming. Of the billions of people who occupy earth, the millions
of factories polluting the atmosphere, the auto's, trains, planes,
ships, etc., etc., etc....

While driving around Oklahoma City, I see giant landfills full of human
waste products and garbage and yet there are those who can not conceive
of human activity contributing to atmospheric heating. Turning a blind
eye to who or what is creating these problems will not help resolve the
issues. People need to actually start accepting responsibility for the
issues human kind creates. It is after all, our home and like anyone's
house left unattended and uncared for, it will dilapidate and eventually

Ramblings from someone who hopes his children will have a planet to live
on in the very near future, if a future will exist for them.


Subject: [TR] RE: Global Worming

> -----Original Message-----

> In the interest of Peace on List, may I suggest the following?

> There is significant evidence to indicate that the earth's climate is
> There is considerably _less_ evidence that human activity is a major
contributor to this phenomenon.

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