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Re: [TR] Weep for me

To: "Joe Laurito" <>, "Triumph List"
Subject: Re: [TR] Weep for me
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:03:36 -0500
At 07:44 PM 10/2/2007, Joe Laurito wrote:
>Speaking of oil leaks, my TR3 weeps around the push rod tubes. Any easy way
>of fixing that or do I live with it?

I know of several ways. Each has variable success.

1. Use JB Weld. Put a thin fillet of it around joint under spark 
plug. Must remove paint first.

2. Do same around of top, inside valve cover. I don't like this 
because sometimes it will come loose and get into engine.

3. Use Loctite green - it is the kind that wicks into a joint. You 
must have all oil off the surfaces,, which means liberal application 
of lacquer thinner and compressed air to the joint inside the valve 
cover and under the spark plugs. Then just apply a little of this 
stuff to the joint. Works if the head is totally clean - may or may 
not work otherwise, depending on how clean you can get the joint.

4. I've had my machine shop make up a swaging tool that we use after 
any head milling. Basically it is two cones, top and bottom, pressed 
lightly by a press. Head must be off of course.


uncle jack 

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