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Re: [TR] Emailing: triumph

To: "Stasyszen, Jerry" <>, "Triumph Mail List"
Subject: Re: [TR] Emailing: triumph
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:00:03 +0100
> It's still a Beemer no matter how they tag it.

Just as post-war Triumphs were really Standards - i.e. cars designed and 
built by the Standard Motor Company. I take some pride in the fact that my 
own *Triumph* isn't a Triumph and never was. It's a four seater, fuel 
injected Standard Vanguard that only 'poses' as a Triumph, even though it's 
1970 build. Genuine Triumphs under Colonel Holbrook and his merry men 
stopped being made in 1939, so everything thereafter was just a name clone 
and little else.

> The Coopers are BMW's

Meaning presumably the Mini built by BMW in Oxford, UK? Sorry, that design 
is 1000% Rover from Longbridge and a design which even BMW at the time 
didn't interest them much. Didn't stop BMW taking it (along with the Triumph 
and Riley names) as part of the break-up when it ditched Rover.

> the Triumph's will also be BMW's just as the MG will be a Chinese car.


> It might help if they were actually built in GB but then, as rusty as
> our cars are do we really want the British to start building cars again?

Matter of fact, old chap - we've never stopped making cars in this country - 
albeit mostly now under foreign ownership. Honda, Nissan and Toyota are 
exported in their hundreds of thousands annually from the UK (many to Japan 
as well), while you guys seem to have a penchant for Land & Range Rovers in 
substantial quantities - and Jaguar's still going strong, although Ford 
allegedly still can't crack the warranty claims. A pity that Bentley is now 
owned by that Hitler's People's Car outfit and the current Rolls Royce looks 
like a brothel on wheels - but hey, when you hand over names to people who 
don't understand how to handle and respect them, anything can - and usually 
does happen :)

> I mean afterall, you would think that a country surrounded by salt water
> would have put some kind of rust prevention into their design.

W---------eeeeeeeee------lllllllllllllllllll ain't that relative? You're a 
pretty huge lump of land and renowned for making fairly huge lumps of 
motorised metal as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't yours of of the 
60's/70's/80's they rust just as easily? Let's face it, the run-of-the-mill 
post war Triumph-badged Standard was never built to last long either, so 
what's the gripe? :)

But personally, if BMW do re-launch the name, I'd never buy an example, just 
as I never fly Lufthansa, on principle. Thank God BMW never got the 
opportunity to buy the Rolls Royce Aero Engine Division


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