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Re: [TR] fuel smell

Subject: Re: [TR] fuel smell
From: Allen Hess <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 13:16:48 -0500
I have an early TR4 and for all practical purposes same as the TR3 in  
the fuel dept. Then only time(s) I have smelled fuel in the garage,  
it turned out to be a leak.

> I'm trying to eradicate the smell of fuel from my TR3A. I can't  
> park the
> car in the garage because the smell of fuel then gets into the  
> house. I've
> gone  through every fuel line, I've renewed the fuel pump,  
> inspected and
> adjusted the  carbs, renewed all gaskets and I know there are no  
> fuel leaks.
> However, the  smell persists, so I have to relegate the car to the  
> farm
> equipment shed and  this poses a logistical problem with moving  
> equipment around,
> etc.
> The other day I was reading an old copy of the TRA magazine and it  
> said
> there will always be a slight smell of fuel from a sidescreen TR  
> because of
> how the fuel breather is designed.


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