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Re: [TR] Kiss of the Cuckoo

To: "" <>, Triumphs <>
Subject: Re: [TR] Kiss of the Cuckoo
From: "Reihing, Randall S." <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 22:59:55 +0000
Accept-language: en-US
References: <> <> <001d01d0711c$6770e7e0$3652b7a0$>, <>
Thread-index: AQHQcYCBw6QHRM/fJUCkuD5O/zKxgZ1CJ2en
Thread-topic: Kiss of the Cuckoo

Maybe it's good you hit the deer. My NW Ohio neighbor, driving a new Ford Flex, 
55 mph, ear;y evening but full darkness one mile from our home and his, 
instinctively swerved to miss a full grown deer that, without warning, suddenly 
leaped from some brush and a wooded area, right in front of his car. He missed 
the deer, but lost control and went sideways into a large Maple tree. That was 
six months ago. Totaled the Flex and he is still in a wheel chair.  

I have heard that the small black deer whistles I see on a lot of cars are 
supposed to scare the deer away. I don't know if they are effective or not. My 
neighbor did not have any so we have no way to know. But there must be 
something to discourage deer from doing that. 

1960 TR3A
NW Ohio
From: Triumphs [] on behalf of []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 5:39 PM
To: Triumphs
Subject: [TR] Kiss of the Cuckoo

I believe in my last post I was mentioning how everything in my TR3 had been 
sorted much to my satisfaction.  The car was registered.  Yesterday it passed 
inspection easily.  I was positively happy and confident as a puppy with an old 
stinky sneaker.  I believe I also mentioned having driven my son from San 
Fransciso to New Hamsphire, a distance of over 3,000 miles.

The three thousand and tenth mile.  This morning I got ten miles from home to 
work in the dark on the first drive in the LBC this season, when a deer jumped 
in front of the car and I hit it at 60 MPH.  It was a big deer.  I'm thinking 
more proactively about Randall's LED headlight project....

Driver fender and side of the apron very much crunched.

It'll be in the body shop for a while.  That's what I get for baldly stating 
how good things were.  Kiss of the cuckoo.

I'm thinking to sue.  That deer must have been inebriated drinking acid water 
from the coal fired power plants in the Mid-West.  Just, I doubt that deer's 
family is going to step up.

Anyone else have such bumps with drunk critters?

Terry Smith, '59 TR3A
New Hampshire

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