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RE: Vixen Paint??

To:, "''" <>
Subject: RE: Vixen Paint??
From: "Hill, Stephen M EDUC:EX" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 09:11:08 -0700
Rich, this fall I am looking at the same task: getting my TVR ready for
paint. My car also has a number of coats of paint, although  generally the
top coat seems "stable". Several questions for you or others on list:

How did you decide to strip the body down to glass, instead of just prepping
the top coat?

Was the first factory colour-coat paint or gel-coat?

Did you consider any alternatives to sanding? Chemical, plastic pellets or
ice blasting??

As you sand, is it possible to keep the disk from mooning the glass?? Seems
this would be a bigger issue on a glass car.

What is your strategy for fixing those areas where there is cracking coming
right through the glass?

1972 2500
> ----------
> From:[]
> Reply To:
> Sent:         Sunday, July 30, 2000 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject:      Vixen Paint??
> Listers,
> Somehow I got bounced off the list a week or two ago, and have been so
> busy I 
> didn't even know it!  
>  I took my Vixen to Pittsburgh a couple weeks ago to fix the damage I did
> to 
> the bonnet.  Having next to no experience with fibreglass repair, I
> decided 
> to do the work under the guidance of a friend who has plenty of
> experience.
> One thing led to another, and I decided to paint the whole car.  I have
> been 
> sanding the old paint off the car by hand for what seems like forever.
> Right 
> now, I sum up my life this way---I was born, and then I started sanding
> the 
> car ;>)  This work requires a Zen-like approach I have not yet mastered.
> I 
> told my buddy I feel like the young student in the movie "The Karate Kid".
> There was LOTS of paint on this car.  The original paint (found under
> three 
> layers) looks to be a color I describe as "pewter".  My question is 
> this......can anyone tell me what the factory called this color, and
> suggest 
> a paint code that comes pretty close to matching it?  Any other advice on
> the 
> painting is welcome, too!
> My goal is to have the car done for The Roadster Factory Summer Party 
> Autocross on Saturday, August 12.  It will be close, but I will run with
> the 
> car in primer if I have to!
> Also, I have not been able to access John Upham's Vixen site, getting a 
> message that tells me I do not have permission to enter the site.  What's
> up 
> with that?
> Thanks!
> Rich Rock

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