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vintage vw eligibility

Subject: vintage vw eligibility
From: (Marc Ablaza)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 09:31:55 +0800 (HKT)
Thanks to all who replied to my inquiry on the eligibility of my 1956 VW
Oval Window Bug.  In fact, I am furnishing the Historic Racing Committee of
the replies that you sent me.

We have finally decided to go ahead with the restoration of the '56 VW with
the intent of racing it for next season.  If the committee decides for one
reason or another not to allow me to race, at least I have a restored car

The 1964 VW Karmann Ghia Convertible which I race regularly will be retired
from Historic Racing and will be restored while I am campaigning the Bug
for next season.

All the best.

Marc A.

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