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Re: FYI: Lime Rock Vintage Fest TV broadcast schedule

To: Simon Favre <>
Subject: Re: FYI: Lime Rock Vintage Fest TV broadcast schedule
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 17:11:25 -0600 (CST)
On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Simon Favre wrote:

> Kevin O'Connor is right to gripe about the coverage:
> >many commercials.  It sucked so bad I could not watch the last
> >half-hour.
> I couldn't agree more, but remember, they are condensing a 3-day event
> into one hour!

> Unfortunately, the key word here is audience.  Unless they have a big
> audience, they will not be able to attract the big, BIG sponsors, and
> that's what they need to make a better program.  Better coverage takes

        SO! Is Merrill Lynch a small fry? Do you remember their advt. the 
        featured that retired guy and his C Jag? They sponsored the CHR a 
        couple of years back, how about a major van line or two?

> more cameras, more camera crews, more footage, more editing, yadda,
> yadda, yadda.  They would have to have some pretty deep pockets opening
> up to give us a 3-hour vintage fest on TV with full coverage of each
> race session.

        There are ways to economise... like drop some coverage of the less 
        interesting groups' coverage (e.g. open wheel cars). I know there 
        are those who love them but 35 formula Fords with a couple of Formula 
        Jrs. and 3s and the rest of the field fleshed out in F Vees, may be 
        great racing but, c'mon...

> If you cut each race group's coverage to 5 minutes, you would have about
> 70 minutes of Monterey Historics action.  Throw in another 20 minutes of
> blabbing, paddock shots, and demo laps and you would have 90 minutes.
> Add 30 minutes of unabashed capitalism and you have a 2 hour program.
> With 5 minutes for each race group, you MIGHT have time for the start,
> the finish, and one lap in a camera-equipped car or selected action
> shots.

        All this is good, but for an audience of non aficionados it would 
        get old fast. Do in depth on "significant" (e.g. Pre War, 
        production-based and sports racer groups, [the current USRRC revival 
        woud be great one cos of the variety" the "ground pounders", etc). 

> I, for one, would not care to see only the lead car in each
> group.  There are so many interesting cars in these events, that you
> need coverage from the whole length of the pack, IMO.

        Good point. That old Nuvolari Targa Florio Farthingale running 
        with the Sprites would be an Eye grabber
> I just wish I was in charge of such a production. ;=)

        Yeah, I'd "crew for ya!"

        Greg Petrolati                         1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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