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Needed: Wheels for Lola FF

To: "Vintage Racers on" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Needed: Wheels for Lola FF
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 05:22:54 -0700
Help!  Now that the initial shakedown session has been successfully
completed, I find that I am in need of at least 2 wheels for my newly
restored 1970 Lola T-200 Formula Ford!  I have 4 that are OK (2 had to
be straightened slightly) but that leaves me with no spares for
"contingency" use!  I believe the bolt pattern is 4.25 inches (center to
center), 4-bolts square.  Anybody out there got any straight one for
sale?  If not, is there a reputable and reasonable source for these
steel wheels?

All information is gratefully appreciated.


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  • Needed: Wheels for Lola FF, John A. Rollins <=